Collecting Personal Information
This Privacy Policy is effective as of June 14th, 2023 anddescribes the policies and procedures of The New Door , Inc. (“The New Door ”)and, unless otherwise indicated, its affiliates and subsidiaries collectivelyreferred to as “The New Door ,” “the “Company,” “we,” “our,” “us”). It appliesto the collection, use, and disclosure of your information on https://The NewDoor, or any website that The New Door may develop in the future(collectively, the “Websites”); any and all The New Door Applications availablethrough any platforms or marketplace (the “The New Door Apps,” and togetherwith the Websites, the “Online Resources”); and the services, features, orcontent we offer through the Online Resources or otherwise (collectively, the“Services”). Some terms used in this Privacy Policy are defined in our Terms ofUse; if undefined herein, the definition provided in the Terms of Use willgovern.When you use our Services, you are accepting the practices outlined inthis Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, and you hereby consent to thecollection, transfer, aggregation, storage, disclosure, and other uses of yourinformation as described in this Privacy Policy. Your continued use of theServices constitutes your acceptance of this Privacy Policy.
Sharing Personal Information
This Privacy Policy is effective as of June 14th, 2023anddescribes the policies and procedures of The New Door Inc. (“The New Door Realty”)and, unlessotherwise indicated, its affiliates and subsidiaries collectivelyreferred to as“Thenewdoor,” “the “Company,” “we,” “our,” “us”). It applies tothe collection,use, and disclosure of your information on, or anywebsite that The New Door may develop in thefuture (collectively, the“Websites”); any and all The New Door Applicationsavailable through anyplatforms or marketplace (the “The New Door Apps,” andtogether with theWebsites, the “Online Resources”); and the services,features, or content weoffer through the Online Resources or otherwise(collectively, the “Services”).Some terms used in this Privacy Policy aredefined in our Terms of Use; ifundefined herein, the definition provided inthe Terms of Use will govern.Whenyou use our Services, you are accepting thepractices outlined in this PrivacyPolicy and our Terms of Use, and you herebyconsent to the collection, transfer,aggregation, storage, disclosure, andother uses of your information asdescribed in this Privacy Policy. Yourcontinued use of the Services constitutesyour acceptance of this PrivacyPolicy.Information Collection, Use, And OptingOutThe type of information wecollect depends on your level of engagement withthe Online Resources. The moreengaged you are with the Online Resources and themore features you utilize,the more information we may need to provide ourServices.All The New Door Websiteand Application Users. We automaticallyreceive and record information fromboth registered and unregistered users ofthe Online Resources (meaning boththose who establish accounts and those whomerely visit) whenever you interactwith them. This includes IP address datafrom our server logs, cookieinformation, the pages you request, and the URL ofthe website that connectedyou to the Online Resources. From all users of the TheNew Door website,we mayalso collect the user resettable mobile device ID (suchas the ID forAdvertising on iOS and Android ID on Android) and your geolocationinformationso that we can interact with you to provide geo-specificinformation, such ashomes for sale near you and information about listing yourhome for sale. YourIP address serves the same function for Website users. Usersof The New Door Appscan turn off our access to geolocation by adjusting“location services” withinyour mobile device settings. We may use theinformation listed above to helpdiagnose problems and performance issues,analyze trends, customize yourexperience and administer the OnlineResources.Cookies And SimilarTechnologiesWhen you use the Services and/or visitthe Online Resources, we mayuse cookies and similar technologies like pixels,web beacons, and localstorage to collect information about how you use theOnline Resources andrelated Services and provide features to you.The New Door Cookies.We may putThe New Door cookies on your computer (including your mobile device)to enableour servers to recognize your web browser and tell us how and when youvisitthe Online Resources and otherwise use the Services, including recentsearchesusing the Online Resources. A “cookie” is a small electronic filecontaining astring of characters that is sent to your computer when you visit awebsite.When you visit the website again, the cookie allows that site torecognize yourcomputer. Cookies may store user preferences and other information.You canreset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie isbeingsent. While you are free to disable cookies on your browser, we recommendthatyou leave cookies activated to use some of the most useful The New Door features.Third-PartyCookies. forWebsite Use Analysis & Targeted Ads on Other Websites. We usethird partiessuch as Google, or similar companies, to help us analyze howpeople are usingthe Websites. We also use the Google Analytics Advertisingservice to provideus with demographic data about our users on an anonymousbasis, and this Googleservice uses a cookie that can be recognized by Google orits affiliates whenyou visit other websites. These third parties are authorizedto use cookies andother tracking technologies to access personal information ofvisitors to theWebsites. Access to and use of personal information by suchthird parties isgoverned by the third parties’ privacy policies. To seeGoogle’s privacypolicy, click here. Such third parties may serve The New Door adsto you onother websites on our behalf. Similarly, the Websites place cookies onyourbrowser that are read when you visit Facebook, so that during your visitstothe Facebook website you might receive The New Door advertising based onthepages you visited on the Website(s). We may work with other companies andusetheir cookies to target The New Door ads to you on other websites.Log Files.Log file informationis automatically reported by your browser each time youmake a request toaccess (i.e., visit) a web page or app. It can also beprovided when thecontent of the webpage or app is downloaded to your browser ordevice. When youuse our Services, our servers automatically record certain logfileinformation, including your web request, Internet Protocol (“IP”)address,browser type, referring / exit pages and URLs, number of clicks and howyouinteract with links on the Services, domain names, landing pages, pagesviewed,and other such information. We may also collect similar information fromemailssent to our users which then help us track which emails are opened andwhichlinks are clicked by recipients. The information allows for moreaccuratereporting and improvement of the Services.Opting out of TargetedAdvertising.If you do not wish to have us collect, use, and share informationabout you todeliver targeted online advertising in this manner, please reviewtheinstructions to opt out of targeted advertising on the website where yousawour advertisement. Please note that most opt-out mechanisms arecookie-basedand will only affect the specific computer (including mobiledevice) andbrowser that is used to submit an opt-out request. If you havemultiplecomputers or change computers, or use multiple browsers, you will needtosubmit opt-out requests for each such computer or browser. In addition, ifyoudelete, block, or otherwise restrict cookies, you will need to reviewyouropt-out choices to ensure that any opt-out cookies remain effective.OptingOut of Mobile Device ID Tracking.Mobile device users may reset the identifieror opt-out of receivinginterest-based ads in their mobile apps. Android usersand Apple iOS usersshould follow the directions provided by those companies tostop mobile adtracking.Opting out Generally.TheDigital Advertising Alliance provides customers with the ability to opt-outofhaving their online behavior recorded and used for advertising purposes.Toopt-out of having your online behavior collected for advertising purposes(ex: TheNew Doorads to you on Facebook), please follow the opt-outinstructionsprovided on the website where you saw the advertisement. Choicesyou make areboth browser and device specific. This means that, for example, ifyou opt outwhen using Safari on your phone, you will not be opted out onFirefox or onyour laptop.Some browsers may have the option to transmita“do not track” signal to websites. The Websites do notresponddifferently or limit their practices under the terms of this PrivacyPolicywhen you visit a Website with a browser that uses a “do not track” signalorsimilar mechanism.
Registered The New Door Website UsersWhen providing real estate brokerageServices, we are required to obtain yourname and email address as a conditionof our licenses with the multipleservices in order to allow you to access thefull MLS listings. You give usthis information when you create your The NewDoor account. When you give usthis information at one of our events, or uponrequest, we will create a TheNew Dooraccount for you, and this Privacy Policyand our Terms of Use willapply. In addition, when you are signed in to your TheNew Door account andusing The New Door through Facebook, Twitter, or any otherthird-partyauthorization service, we may make use of the data that they provideus tofurther customize your The New Door experience.Account Password Security.YourThe New Door account password is encrypted on our server and is known onlytoyou. It is critical that you keep this password secure and do not share itwithany other individuals. The New Door will not be responsible for anylost,compromised, or destroyed data as a result of a lost, stolen, orvoluntarilydistributed password.Account Updates. If youwouldlike to correct, amend, add, or delete personal information associatedwithyour account, please contact us as described below in the “Contact Us”sectionof this Privacy Policy. However, even after you update information, wemaymaintain a copy of the original information in our records.Home ToursWhenyousubmit a home tour request, we will ask for your tour date andtimepreferences, as well as your phone number. We will also ask some questionssothat our agent can verify your identity. When you meet with one of ouragentsat the home, the agent will ask you to verify your identity, and will askfor aphoto ID.The New Door ClientsWhen you start utilizing the Servicesprovided by TheNew Doorand begin working with our coordinators and agents, youbecome a TheNew Doorclient. As part of the home purchase or sale process, youwill need toprovide such requested information as is customary for a mortgageapplication,home purchase, or sale transaction. This information can include,withoutlimitation, your name, address, phone number, email address, buyerloanpre-approval documentation, and seller property information. We ask you, asabuyer, for loan pre-approvals from a mortgage broker or lender todeterminewhich homes are in your price range, and to help you make an offermore quicklywhen you do find a home. If you are a seller, you are legallyrequired todisclose certain information about your property to prospectivebuyers and/orto Thenewdoor. Once you sign a Buyer Agreement with us, yourrelationship with TheNew Dooris governed by that agreement, as well as ouronline Terms of Use andthis Privacy Policy.Information StorageThe New Door takesgenerally acceptedadministrative, physical, and electronic measures designed toprotect theinformation that we collect from or about you from unauthorizedaccess, use, ordisclosure. However, since no method of transmitting informationover the Internetor storing information is completely secure, The New Door cannotensure thesecurity of any information you transmit to The New Door or guaranteethatinformation on the Service may not be accessed, disclosed, altered,ordestroyed.Information SharingWe may share your information with The New Door personnelaslegally allowed and in the normal course of business, and withThenewdoor’entity affiliates. We may also share some of your information withthirdparties as discussed below.Third Parties. The New Door mayshare yourinformation with other companies for the purpose of marketingThenewdoor’Services that may be of interest to you, or to promote and supportour OnlineResources. To accomplish this, we may combine the information thatyou give usand information about your usage of the Services with otherpersonallyidentifiable information (i.e., demographics or past purchasehistory) availablefrom our records and other sources. Per agreements with 3rdparty marketingpartners, they are not allowed to use your information for anypurpose otherthan supporting and promoting our Services. Such 3rd partyprivacy policies(found on the 3rd parties’ websites) govern the collection anduse ofinformation you provide on their websites.Change of Control. If we sellor otherwisetransfer part or the whole of The New Door or our assets to anotherorganization(e.g., in the course of a transaction like a merger, acquisition,bankruptcy,dissolution, liquidation), your information such as name and emailaddress, usercontent and any other information collected through the Servicesmay be amongthe items sold or transferred. By using the Online Resources, youconsent to thetransfer of your data if such an event were to occur. The buyeror transfereewill be required to honor the commitments we have made in thisPrivacy Policy.Legal Requests. We mayaccess,preserve, and share your information in response to a legal request(like asearch warrant, court order, or subpoena) if we have a good faith beliefthatthe law requires us to do so. This may include responding to legalrequestsfrom jurisdictions outside of the States where we have a good faithbelief thatthe response is required by law in that jurisdiction, affects usersin thatjurisdiction, and is consistent with internationally recognizedstandards. Wemay also access, preserve and share information when we have agood faithbelief it is necessary to detect, prevent and address fraud and otherillegalactivity; to protect ourselves, you, and others, including as partofinvestigations; and to prevent death or imminent bodily harm. Informationwereceive about you may be accessed, processed, and retained for anextendedperiod of time when it is the subject of a legal request orobligation,governmental investigation, or investigation concerning possibleviolations of ourterms or policies, or otherwise to prevent harm. The New Door disclaimsanyliability related to the lawful or believed to be lawful response torequestsfor your information.The New Door Clients:PublicRecord Information. Please be aware that home sales and purchases are amatterof public record, and your name and address, the price you paid, yourpropertytaxes, and other information will be available from public sitesregardless ofthe brokerage(s), if any, who assist in the transaction. We maypost someinformation that typically becomes part of the public record of a homesale orpurchase.Non-Public Record Information.Weshare information obtained from you that is not public record in ordertofacilitate your home purchase or sale transaction.Service Providers to all TheNew Door Clients.Our agents work with third parties to process your home searchand saletransaction and must share your information with those third parties.Examplesinclude MLSs and providers of software used for document preparationandelectronic signing.Home Seller Service Providers.Asis customary for a home sales agent, we may share your listing informationwithlisting websites, such as or We may also shareyourlisting information with listing vendors such as photographers, homestagingexperts, and inspection or repair professionals.Home Buyer ServiceProviders.As is customary for a home purchase agent, we may must share yourbuyinginformation with inspectors, title companies, escrow agents, closingattorneys,lenders, and other third parties as needed to process yourtransaction.Potential Buyers. PotentialBuyers. By law, we are required todisclose to potential buyers certaininformation you provide about yourproperty.Negotiations. We may also poston our Online Resources price offers andcounteroffers. We do not post yourname on our Online Resources without yourpermission. If the sale is closed,the price and the fact that you bought orsold your house and the purchaseprice will become a matter of publicrecord.Other Information UsageIn additionto some of the specific uses ofinformation we describe in this Privacy Policy,we may also use information thatwe receive to:Help you efficiently access yourinformation after you signin;Remember information so you will not have tore-enter it during your visit orthe next time you visit the OnlineResources;Help a The New Door agent or thesupport team service youbetter;Provide personalized content and information toyou and others, whichcould include online ads or other forms ofmarketing;Provide, improve, test,and monitor the effectiveness of ourServices;Develop and test new products andfeatures;Monitor metrics such astotal number of visitors, traffic, anddemographic patterns; or Diagnose or fixtechnology problems.Email & TextMessage CommunicationsWe communicate withaccount holders and clients abouttheir accounts and home tours, searches, andsales by email and/or textmessages. Standard text messaging rates apply and arethe responsibility of theclient or account holder. You may also subscribe toListing Alert Emails withcustomized summaries of homes for sale. If you opt-into also receive marketingemail and/or text messages, The New Door may send younews, surveys, orpromotions. If you do not want to receive alerts, textmessages, or marketingemails from us, please visit the Preferences section ofyour Account Settings,and/or follow the unsubscribe instructions contained inthe email message.ChangesTo This Privacy PolicyPlease check this pageperiodically for changes. Yourcontinued use of the Services following theposting of changes to this policywill mean you accept those changes. If we makeany changes to this PrivacyPolicy, we will post the updated Privacy Policyhere. Please check our Websitesregularly to review updates to this PrivacyPolicy.ChildrenThe Online Resourcesare meant for adults only. We do not marketto or allow individuals under theage of 18 to create an account, and we do notknowingly collect personallyidentifiable information from children under theage of 13. If you are a parentor legal guardian and think your child under 13has given us information,please email us at the email address below or write tous at the address listedat the end of this policy; please mark your inquiries“COPPA InformationRequest.” If we become aware that a child under 13 hasprovided us withpersonal information without parental consent, we will takesteps to removesuch information and terminate the child’s account.Contact UsIfyou have anyquestions about this Privacy Policy, please email us . You canalso write to us at: Oberoi Commerz II International BusinessPark,Oberoi Garden City, Goregaon, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400063.